The President has NO CONTROL over gas prices you absolute fucking idiot!!
Yep, that’s correct the United States President has absolutely NEVER been able to control the cost of gas and you’re a fucking idiot for buying into this complete bullshit and for trying to spread it. Stop being a douche today and remember, TRUMP doesn’t care about you or your white trash family.
The Basics
All of these links will tell you exactly why you are a fucking idiot and will explain why…
How Gas Prices are Determined
Does the President Control Gas Prices?
Fact Check: Rising Gas Prices Due to Demand not Politics
How Gas Prices are Determined 2
Gas Prices Explained
Factors Affecting Gas Prices
What Determines Gasoline Prices
Who is to Blame for Rising Gas Prices
News About Gas Prices -
Fox News Discussing Gas Prices
Don’t believe any media outlet other than Fox News because your a racist bigot who wants to suck Tucker’s dick? Here are some quotes from Fox that they’ve attempted to remove from the internet because they support fascism.
speaking of gas prices hitting a record high under GW Bush “politicians cannot do a thing about it.” - Bill O’Reilly
“Journalists don’t really examine the substance of it…the facts are, no president has the power to increase or lower gas prices. Those are market forces.” - Cal Thomas
“At this point it really is tough for this president, because he really doesn’t have any control what’s going to happen with the markets and with the economy... it is really out of the president’s hands.” - Cheryl Casone